Transitioning from homeschooling...and other things...


Hi friends!I am sorry that I haven't been writing lately. I have felt very uninspired. If you have any blog post ideas, PLEASE pass them my way!

Homeschooling Front

Many have asked how my boys are transitioning from homeschooling to a more traditional school setting, so I thought I would share how that is going. My kids have homeschooled their entire lives, so this transition was a really big deal. I thought I would cry on their first day, but I did not (haha)! God gave me so much peace as I sent them off that first week. Right now I have and 8th grader, 9th grader, and 10th grader! We found an awesome FREE program here offered through our school district where my kids can take classes 2 days per week. It has been such a Godsend for me.

As a homeschool mom for the past 9-10 years, I honestly feel like I have carried my older kids as far as I can for them to get a good education. I personally know some homeschool moms who have successfully carried their kids through high school graduation, and I esteem them highly! I have honestly just been feeling my very real limitations lately, and I am thrilled that God gave us this program. Two of my sons have adjusted very well and jumped in wholeheartedly from day 1 and they are really thriving. My other son is slower to adjust to major changes, so he is only taking 2 courses at school. We have found a good balance for him with this new school and homeschooling.

I am so thankful for the privilege we have in the U.S. to be able to have such vast schooling options for our children. It is a privilege that I do not take lightly ESPECIALLY after living abroad in a country where it is illegal to homeschool for the local people, thank you U.S. government! โค๏ธ

I am homeschooling my 2 younger girls (5th grade and Kindergarten). That's going smoothly, so that is a blessing. They have a big 5 year age gap between them, but one unexpected blessing of this transition is that they get to spend more sister time together and it is the sweetest thing.

Other things...

This summer was awesome. We literally just RELAXED and hung out with people. It was dreamy. (If you are wondering why I never post pics of my older kids, it's because they refuse to pose for pics now. ๐Ÿ˜œ) God blessed us with access to a community pool and it was beyond AWESOME!



Something that I have been enjoying since being back is connecting with other women and providing spaces for women to connect. It is a passion God has put in me to build friendships and create spaces for others to build friendships too!I dunno if it's because I grew up with 3 older sisters, but I do love sisterhood! (And no, I did not have a new baby...I am just holding my friend's adorable baby for her ๐Ÿ˜œ).

"Two are better than one, because they have a  good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10



Nine out of eleven of my nieces and nephews came and visited us this summer. It was so wonderful hosting my family. I was talking to my mom on the phone and she literally said, "It's so good having you guys so close by!" (Perspective, I now live a 3.5 hour plane ride from my extended family, but my mom now calls that "CLOSE BY" because we do live in the same country after all! haha). I love my family! Having them come and visit us was so special for my kiddos. Hope all my readers are well! Have a beautiful day ๐Ÿ’•  

Eunice Ho

Eunice was born in Philadelphia, PA and grew up in Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ). Upon graduation, she worked as an advocate for foster children and as an intern at her church. After giving birth to their first child, Eunice decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Since then, she has juggled multiple roles such as pastorโ€™s wife, homeschool mom, and overseas missionary. She is passionate about seeing people made whole in Christ and loves investing in women's lives, marriages, and families.


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