Here Oh Lord...



Have you ever heard the song by Daphne Rademaker, Resting Place? It's a beautiful song, here are the lyrics...

Heaven is my throne

And earth is my footstool

Where is the house you will build for me?

Whom of you will hear the cry of my heart?

Where will my resting place be?


Here Oh Lord

Have I prepared for You a home

Long have I desired for you to dwell

Here Oh Lord

Have I prepared a resting place

Here Oh Lord I wait for You alone 

 It is based on Isaiah 66:1, "This is what the LORD says: 'Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?'"

I first heard this song when I was a freshman in college. The worship team sang this song at the opening service of our new church and I immediately loved it. College was such a spiritually formative time for me. I encountered the Lord personally, deeply. I went to a state university with tens of thousands of students. In the midst of that secular, sometimes crazy environment, there were pockets of students who earnestly sought the Lord. I was privileged to be a part of one of those pockets of students. When I was in college, this song was the cry of my heart.

Today, I attended a service and this is the first song that the leader sang. I immediately started weeping and my heart swelled with thankfulness. It has been 20 years after I first heard this song and it is still gets me. I was crying thinking about God's faithfulness to me. He has been so good to me. What a privilege it is to be able to worship Him in a place where He is known by so few. It is amazing seeing God's hand guiding my life all of these years. So much has changed over these past 20 years...I got married to an amazing man, I have had 5 wonderful kids, we moved across the country, we have even moved overseas, but the cry of my heart is still captured in this song. Lord, would you please find a resting place in me? Would You find a resting place in me when I am doing the dishes, cooking, homeschooling the kids, learning language, doing all of the mundane stuff I do?

I pray that You and everyday. 

Eunice Ho

Eunice was born in Philadelphia, PA and grew up in Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ). Upon graduation, she worked as an advocate for foster children and as an intern at her church. After giving birth to their first child, Eunice decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Since then, she has juggled multiple roles such as pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, and overseas missionary. She is passionate about seeing people made whole in Christ and loves investing in women's lives, marriages, and families.


Simple comforts that remind me of "home"


A faithful man