Book recommendations for women


I have been reading a lot lately. It's been a great hobby for me, but that "buy now with 1-click" feature on amazon is so sneaky! (Do you see my blame-shifting?! It's my fault, I know, I need more self-control!πŸ˜‡). I wanted to compile a list of 3 books for women that I wanted to recommend. I could honestly recommend more, but these are the 3 that are sticking out in my head right now. My husband and I  have a passion to see the body of Christ rise up into our fullness and to see people loving the Lord in the healthiest way possible. Here is my list of my 3 books that can help women in their process. I hope you will enjoy these books as much as I did!

  1. Fight Like A Girl, by Lisa Bevere. My good friend lugged this book back for me to read all the way from Australia! She had very little space in her luggage, but brought it back for me anyways. I feel so grateful, thanks Jo! This book blessed me so much. It really challenged wrong mindsets that I have carried for many years about being a woman. When I was reading this book, there were literally phrases that popped out that the Lord has been speaking to me for the past few months and Lisa was literally articulating them for me in these pages. I was so blessed and challenged to continue to step out into the fullness of all that the Lord has for me.


2. Kissed The Girls and Made Them Cry, by Lisa Bevere. This book is a good read for my single lady friends. I know that growing up, I didn't have any teaching on godly sexuality until my 20s. But sexuality, from God's perspective is a topic that really needs to be discussed more in the church. I am Asian, in our culture we never talk about stuff like this...but recently God has been challenging me to speak out and help cast a vision for something greater in the lives of my single and married friends. Sexual sin is a sad reality in many peoples lives, single or married, and it needs to be dealt with in order for us to draw closer to the Father and into the fullness He has for us...Sex is designed by God and HE created to be enjoyed in the covenant of marriage. In this book, I love how Lisa Bevere helps cast a vision for godly sexuality among single women, whether you are younger or older. If you have never had much teaching on godly sexuality, this is a good one.  It also comes from a vulnerable perspective on Lisa's part as she shares very openly about mistakes she made in the past as a single. This is a great read for sure!

3. Unashamed, by Christine Caine. Wowzers, this book was so good. It cut straight to the heart from the first chapter! This woman's testimony is incredible, she has overcome such tremendous pain in her life (from racism, sexual abuse, sexism, just to name a few...).I really did not know what to expect when I opened this book because I had never heard of this author (I have no idea why I have never heard of her because she seems very well-known, but you can be sure that I am going to begin listening to her teachings right away.). Here is one amazing quote concerning pain, that I wrote down from the book, The enemy wants us to believe that we need to stop hurting before we can move. What a lie! We must move forward even if it is painful. So true! She shares so openly about common struggles that women face, but casts a vision for how to overcome and find freedom in Christ. If you want to be inspired, read this book !Well, those are the 3 titles I wanted to share with you all today! Hope you have a  beautiful weekend!

Eunice Ho

Eunice was born in Philadelphia, PA and grew up in Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ). Upon graduation, she worked as an advocate for foster children and as an intern at her church. After giving birth to their first child, Eunice decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Since then, she has juggled multiple roles such as pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, and overseas missionary. She is passionate about seeing people made whole in Christ and loves investing in women's lives, marriages, and families.


3 random things that show our American-ness


This is for all my single sisters out there...