A kiss from the Father


A few weeks ago, my husband's wallet was stolen. That SAME night, we fell for this stupid taxi scam, where the cab driver switched my bills and made me pay more money (It's a much longer story than I am describing. In the moment, I didn't realize what happened until I got home and counted my money). So twice in THE SAME night, we had money stolen from us. It was super frustrating, annoying, and disheartening. Thankfully nothing like this has ever happened to us here in the past 3 years. I have been actively forgiving and releasing the petty thieves since that night. Each time the frustrating incidents have come to my mind, I just keep speaking out forgiveness, but I have also been asking God to restore that which was lost.

In reality, it wasn't THAT much money that was taken, but it was significant to us. One night I had this dream where friends from home were giving us money that they had collected to replace the money we lost that night. When I woke up, I felt very encouraged that God would restore what was stolen in some way...at some point. The next day my husband told me that a sweet friend sent us a note and a cash gift. When I saw the note and cash, I was amazed because it was basically the equivalent amount that we lost that night in USD! I am so deeply touched and encouraged. The Father sees us, He knows us, and He really does care even about these little injustices in our lives. My kids and I read this scripture together about a week ago, If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. (Psalm 37:23-26) We read it again yesterday in light of this gift we received and I think that all of us caught a new glimpse of God's heart for our family.

When I was growing up, there were definitely more than a few occasions when I witnessed my parents getting cheated as store owners. It always made me SO angry. But my parents always taught me to follow the way of Christ in all things. They lived it out daily, even when it was difficult, costly, and all of us kids thought they were crazy. Now that I am older, I am so grateful for this heritage. I always wish everything in life worked out perfectly, with zero problems...but that's actually never promised in the Bible. But I do believe that there is a promise in this Psalm for all believers who follow the way of Christ.This promise is not just for me and my family, but it's for you too! Let's daily encourage each other to walk in the way of Christ and show the world that He does indeed care.

***Bonus extension of my story this weekend...I opened my phone this morning and a friend sent me a sweet text saying that she felt led to treat my husband and I to a date night because she knows a lot has been going on lately. I am so thankful to the Father for loving friends. ❤️😢 

Eunice Ho

Eunice was born in Philadelphia, PA and grew up in Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ). Upon graduation, she worked as an advocate for foster children and as an intern at her church. After giving birth to their first child, Eunice decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Since then, she has juggled multiple roles such as pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, and overseas missionary. She is passionate about seeing people made whole in Christ and loves investing in women's lives, marriages, and families.


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3 year anniversary