5 Simple Ways to Bless A Family With A Newborn
Anyone who has a baby knows that transitioning to parenthood is one of the best and most difficult changes in life. My husband and I were so clueless when we became parents. I didn't even know that babies don't automatically sleep through the night until I had my first child. Motherhood was a huge wake up call for me.
Having a newborn is one of the most rewarding and tiring seasons. Childbirth can be one of the most grueling physical experiences a woman endures, yet afterwards, she can't sleep well because now she has a newborn to tend to! Many times, people surrounding the new family want to be helpful, but don't know what to do.
Here are some ideas to bless a family with a newborn:
1. Start a food chain for the family and sign up for a meal (or two). After having a baby, not having to worry about cooking is such a tremendous blessing! Even if you can't cook or you don't have time to cook, pizza, take-out, or a rotisserie chicken from your local market is still a wonderful gift to the family! Also, when you drop the meal off, make your visit brief. The new parents are tired and most likely don't have the energy to entertain guests.
2. Offer to do some chores around their home--wash dishes, take out trash, clean bathrooms, vacuum, rake leaves, mow the law, run errands for them, etc.
3. If the family has other children, volunteer to come over to play with the older siblings! I know that my older kids have been so blessed after a new baby when our friends would come over just to hang out with them. It is fun to play with new people and it helps to break up their day.
4. Offer to babysit for an hour or two while the parents take a nap.
5. If you are somewhere, like church or a different meeting, eating a meal with the new parents, offer to hold the baby so that they can eat their food with two hands. Parents everywhere have proven that it is very possible to eat a meal with one hand while holding the baby with the other. But meals are so much more enjoyable when you can use both hands and you don't have to be shoveling your food down your throat as fast as possible because your baby is unhappy about you holding him/her with one arm. It is such a nice break for the new parents to be eating a meal together in this two-handed manner again. 😊Hope these suggestions are helpful! Our family has been so blessed by loving friends who helped us out in countless ways! I encourage you look for a new family to help today. It will be such a blessing!